Jetty no. 5 Gateway of India. Opposite to Taj valet parking.
It will be approximately 90 minutes depending upon the wind. You may request for a shorter trip before you start.
You strictly have to arrive by 6.45 am.
Yes. We will help you get on a boat with your dogs.
Maximum 5 humans and 2 dogs.
No. These are private boats.
Yes, these are private boats and solo pet parents have to book the entire boat.
Yes. The team will guide you about it. You may off leash your dogs only after it’s allowed by our canine behaviorist. Otherwise, dogs have to be on leash for the safety of your dog and other pets/humans.
Our Canine Behaviorist will guide you and try to make your dog comfortable with water, provided you follow our instructions.
Yes. We provide chicken & rice by PetChef. You are suggested to carry back up food for your dog.
Yes. The local vets/doctors can be reached in about 30 minutes from every campsite.